Welcome to Bytrage.com, the world’s best peer to peer crypto exchange.

This is a guide to help you get started:
Here you’ll find more information about buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether on Bytrage.

Buying Cryptocurrency

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to buy your first cryptocurrency on Bytrage in three simple steps. If you want to create your own offer, please see our article on creating offers.

Setting up search requirements

1. Log into your Bytrage account, click Buy.

The page with offers to buy cryptocurrency appears.
choose the cryptocurrency you want to buy

2. Click payment method field and select your preferred payment method to buy crypto on the dialog box that appears.

3. Select your Trade zone

4. Click SEARCH, The offer list is updated according to your search requirements.

Finding an offer
Browse through the list of offers.
The list begins with offers that have:
Sellers with the best rating and reputation.
Sellers who are the most active on the platform and are ready for instant trade.
The most profitable margin.
Check the tags and labels for additional information about an offer. When you find an offer you like, click Buy.

Note: Your trade hasn’t started yet, at this point.

The Offer page appears.
Study all details of the offer such as:
Buying limits — is the offered amount neither too low nor too high?
Seller’s rate — does it look profitable for you?
Time limit — will you manage to execute the payment within this timeframe?
Offer terms — is the seller requesting additional documents or having specific requests as part of the trade procedure?

Enter the amount you are ready to trade in the cryptocurrency field.
Click BUY.

The Trade chat page appears.

At the moment when the trade starts, the cryptocurrency rate is fixed and will not fluctuate.

Discuss the necessary details with your partner using our trade chat and follow their instructions carefully.

Make the payment.
After making the payment, click I have paid.

The Self Declaration dialog box appears.
Click Yes, I have paid.

You can always cancel the trade by clicking the Cancel button.
If you have already sent a valid payment, never cancel the trade. Please keep in mind that the cryptocurrency will be released from the escrow system and sent back to the seller once the trade has been canceled. Instead, submit a dispute to lock the cryptocurrency in the escrow system and notify our moderators of the situation so they can help sort things out between you and your trade partner.
You should only cancel a trade if you’re not ready to send the payment and/or disagrees with your trade partner’s offer terms.
In case of any trouble or disagreement, click Dispute to invite our moderators to investigate the case.
The seller releases the cryptocurrency from the trade escrow to your Bytrage wallet. At this time, the trade is now completed successfully.

After the seller of cryptocurrency has released funds from the trade escrow into your Bytrage wallet, consider leaving feedback. This helps other traders to understand who they are dealing with.

Tips for Buying Cryptocurrency

1. Buying cryptocurrency can be tough at first, so we’ve prepared a guide to get you started and help you complete a trade on Bytrage.

2. The minimum trade amount on Bytrage, If you’re buying Bitcoin, the current minimum is 10 USD. If you’re selling, then the minimum is 0.001 BTC.

3. Be aware of the price –
The Bitcoin price on Bytrage is never equal to its official market rate as sellers charge a fee to convert traditional currency into Bitcoin. The price of the fee varies among sellers and depends on who you buy from. So be on the lookout for the best deals. The offer page always includes the rate of each seller. What should interest you the most is how much you get on dollar. The higher the number, the more profitable the trade will be for you.

4. Click the Paid button only when you have actually paid.
Once you’ve clicked the Paid button, the countdown timer stops and the order can no longer expire.

5. Don’t cancel the trade after you’ve already paid.
We know that problems sometimes arise during trades, but it’s important to never cancel the trade after you’ve already paid the seller. If you’ve paid for your crypto but something has gone wrong, you can start a dispute! Beginning a dispute brings a Bytrage Moderator in to help with the situation. If you cancel the trade, Moderators aren’t able to help, and getting a resolution will take longer.

Note: Also, remember that any price negotiation is strictly forbidden. If you do not like the offer, do not insist on changing the price in the same trade. Just start a new trade with new values to avoid any disputes or misunderstandings with the seller. .

Selling Cryptocurrency

You can sell cryptocurrency. Here’s how you can find buyers by browsing existing offers on Bytrage.

Setting up search requirements

1. Create an account or log in to your Bytrage account, Click Sell, and choose your preferred cryptocurrency.

2. Click payment method field and select your preferred payment method to sell cryptocurrency

2. Select your cryptocurrency from the list.
Enter the amount you want to trade in the Any amount field. You can leave the any amount field empty if you do not have any specific amount in mind.

4 Select your Trade zone

5. Click Search. The offer list is updated according to your search requirements.

Finding an offer

Browse through the list of offers.
The list begins with offers that have:

Buyers with the best rating and reputation.
Buyers who are the most active on the platform and are ready for instant trade.
The most profitable margin.
Check the tags and labels for additional information about an offer. When you find an offer you like, click Sell.

Note: Your trade hasn’t started yet, at this point.

The Offer page appears.

Study all details of the offer such as:

1. Selling limits — is the offered amount neither too low nor too high?
2. Buyer’s rate — does it look profitable for you?
3. Offer terms — is the buyer requesting additional documents or having specific requests as part of the trade procedure?
4. Bytrage fee — this fee depends on the payment method you choose.

Enter the amount you are ready to trade in the traditional currency field or cryptocurrency field. Click SELL.

The Trade chat page appears.

When the trade starts, the cryptocurrency rate is fixed and will not fluctuate.
Cryptocurrency is moved from your personal Bytrage wallet to the trade’s secure escrow.


Discuss the necessary details with your partner using our trade chat and follow their instructions carefully.

Once your trade partner has made the payment, click Release.

Double-check if the amount sent to you is correct. Confirm sending BTC to the buyer by clicking Release in a dialog box that appears.

Only the buyer can cancel the trade.
In case of any trouble or disagreement, click Dispute to invite our moderators to investigate the case.
You can click Report a problem to file a report.
If the trade expires, you can reopen it by clicking Reopen escrow.
You release BTC from the trade escrow to buyer’s Bytrage wallet. The trade is completed successfully.

Check our tips for selling cryptocurrency for more information. In case you want to buy crypto, see the following guide. If you want to create your own offer, please see our article on creating offers.

Rules for Selling Cryptocurrency

If you are a Bytrage seller, make sure to follow our basic rules when selling cryptocurrency to keep the marketplace safe and secure.

1. Accept your responsibility for possible risks.
We at Bytrage do as much as possible to increase the level of security on our platform. However, you, as a seller, should accept all risks and liabilities that come with trading. It is up to you to protect yourself from malicious users and obvious scams. Check our security guide and safety tips for more information.

2. Be responsive to buyers.
If you are not at your computer, please deactivate all your offers. You can easily do it from your Dashboard. This will also help you avoid having your BTC locked in a trade escrow if a buyer starts a trade during your absence.

3. Maintain a civil tone with your trade partners.
Offensive language and disrespectful tone are not allowed on our platform. Be understanding to buyers as some of them may lack trading experience. If you face any serious issue with your trade partner, do invite our moderators by starting a dispute.

4. Write clear offer terms and trade instructions.
Have both offer terms and trade instructions in a simple short bulleted or numbered list. Read more on how to write good offer terms and trade instructions. This is relevant when creating your own offer.

5. If you have special payment-related procedures that may delay the release of cryptocurrency for a longer period, make it clear for the buyer. This must be frankly stated in your offer terms and trade instructions. You must make sure that the buyer understands that the release of cryptocurrency may be reasonably delayed. Release time may not exceed the time stated in your terms. (Remember that Bytrage advertises p2p service as instant.)

6. Write concise offer terms. The buyer sees offer terms before he starts the trade. It may contain important information about the trade.

Note that buyers avoid offers with complicated terms. Clear offer terms also give advantage in case of a dispute. Never leave this section blank while creating an offer.

7. Write clear trade instructions. Trade instructions are shown to a buyer once a trade starts. Instructions give additional guidance to your trade partner and should consist of clear steps.

8. Be aware of the minimum trade amount on our platform.
It’s important that you know what the minimum trade amount set on Bytrage. Currently, the minimum trade amount is 10 USD to buy cryptocurrency. If you are selling cryptocurrency, the minimum is 0.001 BTC.

9. Do not use third parties for payments.
You are the person responsible for accepting and processing payments. If you have no control over the payment and you transfer responsibility to others, this can be considered as fraud. For example, in the case of bank transfer, you should be the account owner, in the case of altcoins, you should be the owner of the wallet, etc.

10. Off-escrow trades are not allowed.
It’s important that you do not give other users your contact information to do a trade outside Bytrage trade flow. Bytrage escrow must be used at all times or your account may be banned. By avoiding paying escrow fees to our platform while trading outside our escrow service, you expose your BTC to much higher risk as our investigation team will not be able to assist you in case of an argument.

11. Price negotiations are strongly forbidden.
A buyer of cryptocurrency must pay the exact price that is set for trade. If during a trade both sides agree to change the amount, a new trade must be re-opened for the correct amount. Price negotiations within the same trade are against our Terms of Service.

Swaping Cryptocurrency

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to swap your cryptocurrency on Bytrage.

Log into your Bytrage account, click Swap.

The page with offer toswap cryptocurrency appears.

Choose the cryptocurrency you want to swap, then choose the cryptocurrency you want. Click Swap.

How Much Bitcoin Do I Get?
The price of Bitcoin relative to the dollar changes constantly every day and determines how much you get from trades on Bytrage.
The amount of bitcoin you get also depends on whom you buy it from. Some Bytrage sellers will sell you bitcoin with only a 5% margin, while others may set a margin as high as 50%. It is entirely up to the seller to set the price and you can choose to accept their terms or find a better offer that matches your expectations.

Why is the price of bitcoin on Bytrage not equal to the international rate?
While buying BTC, the price of bitcoin in an offer is not always equal to the official international rate. This logic is similar, for example, to buying American dollars for British pounds. Buying and selling fiat and cryptocurrencies is a free market where buyers and sellers can set their own prices and earn a profit for their time and service. Each seller sets their own price as he provides others an opportunity to actually make the exchange.

Who sets the price?
On Bytrage, the market price of bitcoin is calculated as an average of the rates as found on three different exchanges (Coinbase, Bitstamp, and Bitfinex). This is the rate that most sellers will use when you try to buy bitcoin. However, on Bytrage, sellers can define their own price. The price is usually slightly higher than the exchange price because of the convenience and speed you enjoy while trading bitcoin. The ultimate price of bitcoin is entirely up to the seller, and it is your responsibility as a buyer to look for and identify the right offer for you.

How do I know the price of bitcoin and the amount I will receive?
Look at the price/rate of each seller’s offer. The lesser the price, the more bitcoin you get for the money you pay. If you want to know the current exchange price, check Bitfinex, Bitstamp or Coinbase and then compare it to the price quoted by the seller.
On Bytrage, you can see how much you get on the dollar under Rate per bitcoin. It is always based on the US dollar as the bitcoin price, before it gets converted to any other currency, is set in USD.

Is this trade profitable?
If all other bank transfer offers have a less profitable margin then this trade would be a good idea. The profit or loss of a trade depends on the performance of bitcoin in the days following your purchase. If the bitcoin price goes up, then you will be able to sell it and make a profit. If the price goes down, you may incur a loss if you try to sell it.

Note: The bitcoin rate in the example is used for explanatory purposes. On the website, it is subject to constant change.

Tip: Always plan ahead. As a buyer, you can always look for the right seller, offers, and rate that suit your budget and requirements.

Is Buying Cryptocurrency Instant?
Cryptocurrency trades are not always instant and the duration of the trade depends on several factors such as:
Payment method. Some payment methods take more time than others due to the time needed for the payment to be processed or any verifications that may be needed between the buyer and the seller.
Availability of the seller. Although offers are published and active, the seller may not always be online.
Offer terms and instructions. Some sellers have specific conditions and steps for you to follow which may take some time.

Actions to speed up your trade:
Read the terms of the chosen seller before starting a trade. Go through the terms carefully to ensure that the deal matches your needs.
Chat directly with the seller.
Cryptocurrency sellers will often reply to inquiries directly, saving both your and their time.
Choose offers with sellers who are online. When the seller was last seen online is clearly shown under the seller’s name.
Here are some tips on buying cryptocurrency to improve your experience on our platform.

Why is the Cryptocurrency Rate on Bytrage Different from What I See on Other Platforms?
Bytrage uses “market rate” on some currencies instead of “bank rate” because the latter is usually less favorable.

To see the price of BTC on Bytrage in your currency, check out this page.

Token Sale


Bitcoin verifies transactions with the same state of the art encryption that is used in.



Bitcoin verifies transactions with the same state of the art encryption that is used in.

Business Model


Bitcoin verifies transactions with the same state of the art encryption that is used in.